Friday, 17 June 2016

Weekly Reflection T2 W7

Late again Ruby?
What's the excuse this time?
Not my fault Miss Hines.
Whose fault is it then?
A funeral Miss Hines.
What funeral?
My horse’s.
She's seriously dead all right Miss hines.
That makes four horses this term
And all on Maths Tests Ruby.
I know. It's very upsetting Miss Hines.
How many horses have you got Ruby ?
Horses? None Miss Hines.
All dead Miss Hines.
And what about yesterday Ruby?
What about yesterday Miss Hines?
You missed your Reading test.
That was the sheep Miss Hines.
Did the sheep die too?
No Miss Hines. It escaped.
You missed the block run Ruby.
I'd been looking forward to it too Miss Hines.
Right, line up for Assembly.
Can't Miss Hines.
No such word as can't. Why can't you?
No manners Miss Hines.
Where are they?
Home Miss Hines.
What are they doing at home?
Forgot it Miss Hines.
I Can't go to Assembly without them.
Why not? Who normally puts them in?
My horse Miss Hines.
Why couldn't she do it?
Dead Miss Hines.

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